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Links, Resources & Definitions

  IIE Global E3 Location Definitions
US Schools with physical location in US
Non-US Schools with physical location in all countries outside the US

IIE Global E3 Application Schedule Definitions
Academic Year (application & placement through IIE Global E3)
Semester A (US Fall) programs with term start date within last 5 months of calendar year (August - December)
Semester B (US Spring) programs with term start date within first 5 months of calendar year (January - May)
Short Programs (direct application & placement between Global E3 member institutions)
Semester C (US Summer) programs with term start date (June - July)
IIE Global Institutional Capacity Definitions
Flexible Schools with exchange availability, may be open to flexible balance numbers
Moderate Schools with exchange availability, may have maximum capacity balance limit
Limited Schools with exchange availability, may have strict 1:1 balance requirement